Wednesday 22 September 2021

Richie's Scrambled writing frame

 Write 6 sentences that detail who the story is about, where the story is set, what problem/conflict happens in the story, how they handle the problem, how the problem is solved and how the characters change.

Sentence 1


One night there was a girl running to the subway because the train was almost gonna leave.

Sentence 2


Then she ran so fast but failed to catch the train in the subway.

Sentence 3


So she had to sit and wait for the bus to come back so she sat on the bench alone.

Sentence 4


Then there was a rubix cube all scrambled up 

And then the girl decided to play with it.

Sentence 5


The girl tried so hard but the rubix cube scrambled up again and then the girl gave up. So then the rubix cube showed the girl how to do it and the girl was trying to figure it out in her head.

Sentence 6

(how characters have changed)

And then she finally figured it out but then the rubix cube stopped moving then the girl left the rubix cube there for someone else to deal with.

Now write a 100 word story that includes all the details above

One night there was a teenage girl running to the subway so she wouldn’t miss the train. Until she missed the train and she stomped her foot. And then she sat on the bench playing her game waiting for the train to come back. So then there was a rubix cube coming to the teenage girl playing her game. So it patted her elbow then she saw it and started to play with it. But then she scrambled it up again and started to give up and went back on her phone. The rubix cube felt sad and then started to pat her head phone. The teenager was surprised to see that the rubix cube was moving and the rubix cube went on her lap. Then the girl didn’t give up and started to play with the rubix cube again. And then the girl was trying to figure out how to solve it in her head. So then the girl completed the rubix cube but the rubix cube isn't moving anymore. And then the train came and she went in the train without the rubix cube. So on the train left and the rubix cube on the subway. So then there was another person running to the train but didn’t make it. And then the rubix cube came alive again and scrambled himself up again for the man to solve.  The End. 📕             

To find out how many words your story is Highlight your writing and press CTRL + SHIFT + C (or go to Tools and click word count)

Here is what I have made a scrambled slide. Its about a girl who was running to the subway but was to late and had to wait for the train to come back. What would you do if you were left on a subway?


  1. Kia ora Richie, you've retold the story really well! You showed how annoyed the girl was when you described her stomping her foot. Do you think you could tell this same story but from the girl's point of view? Or from the Rubix cube's point of view? How different do you think the story would be? How do you think the Rubix cube would describe the annoyed girl? Remember how big she would be compared to the tiny cube.... blog you later, Megan : )

  2. Hey Richie,Zejm here.
    I really like your writing frame about your Scramble writing. I really liked that you told the whole story with detail and really liked the way you put words in like..." Until she missed the train and she stomped her foot" because you said that she was annoyed when she missed the train. If you met a alive rubix cube what would you do? Blog ya later:) Zejm

    1. Hi Zejm Its Richie. I would be freaked out at first but when time goes by I will be nice to it and try knowing what it's trying to say. What would you do if you met a rubix cube alive.
