Thursday 2 December 2021

(My Aboriginal art work)

Hello Richie Here. Here is what I have done today.
Today I have made an Aboriginal art work. 
So what I did is that I used cool colors and warm color.
So the background is warm and the lizzard is cool. 
And then I did dots to make it shine and not boring.
What animal art have you done? 
Blog ya later. Bye


Tuesday 30 November 2021

My T4 Session 1 blog post




Day 1: The  Forbidden Tower

Time was running out! They only had a matter of minutes.

One night there was an eagle with huge pitch black wings and a colossal body. The eagle was flying high into the night sky. In the night sky there was a moon. It was as bright as an owl eye and as white as clouds in the sky. The sky was like a galaxie color and bright like the moon. So the eagle went off in the night sky high and high and high. The eagle kept flapping its wings to find the key and the little crow. So the bird flew as high as he could to find the crow. The eagle spent days and nights finding the key and the crow. But he still didn’t find it. But it didn’t give up. It flapped its wings hard and flew to the sky so high. So the eagle would find the crow and their golden/ silver key.

Day 2: The Golden Key

She had been chasing it all day. Now, the crow had it.

Here is the little crow. The crow has a dead grey color; it looks as tiny as 10 feathers and as small as a Titipounamu. and it is perching on a clock. The crow found the key. The key was golden and shiny. Then the crow had an idea. He would find the place to unlock the key. So he flew off to find the place to unlock the key. But it knew that the eagle and a human were finding the key. so it stayed in the bottom of a hole with lots of leaves so the key wouldn’t be seen. It had to stand on the clock so it would be easy for the key to not be found. And when predators or humans are coming and they're looking for the key the crow would drop it in the leaves and when they are gone the crow would just dig and dig to find the golden/silver key so that’s how the crow still has the key.

Day 3: The Edge of the World

He embarked on a journey across the ocean.  

Then there was a man who was walking with an orange jacket and a bag in the middle of the ocean finding the key that the crow took. The man was walking and walking and walking some more but he didn't have the key that would open a door. He walked, he ran , he even sprinted to but obviously the key wouldn't come to you. The man had been walking for an hour to find the key but there was no luck yet. So he tried to go back to the place that he had been but there was one problem. He had lost his way. The man spent days finding the key too but there was no luck yet. The man spent days and days and 3 nights to find the golden/silver key. But the man wouldn’t give up. He would find the key and unlock the place. So he went on a journey to find that key and unlock the secret place. 

Hello Richie Here. Here is what I have done today. I have made a T4 Session 1 blog post. I have used interesting words in here like
colossal. What interesting words have you found in this blog? Blog ya later. Bye

Monday 22 November 2021

(Richie) Titipounamu narrative


Hello Richie Here. Here is what I have done today I hope you enjoy it.
This blog is about a tiny bird called a Titipounamu. Titipounamu's are tiny
fragile birds that are as light as 6 paperclips and they lived in Zealandia. 
So this story tells us that capturing animals is wrong and you should never
do that. What would you do if you were a Titipounamu? Blog ya later. Bye

Friday 19 November 2021

My Kandinsky art work

Hello Richie Here Today I have made a Kandinsky art work slide. 
So I have put different kinds of colors in my art work to make it shine.
There are so many different colors like dark and light colors.
I have made so many color with just 3 colors and white and black. 
I just love making Kandinsky art. What was your first art work? 
Blog ya later. Bye

Wednesday 10 November 2021

(Richie) Moment in Time

Hello Richie Here. Today I have made a Moment in Time slide. I have 
Described the Tui and put 2 images of what the Tui looks like and another
image of what a Tui would look like in the native forest. And I also wrote a 
Story about the 2 slides I did. If you made a native story what bird would you choose?
Blog ya later. Bye.

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Richie Write to describe 🐦🐦🐦


Hello Richie Here. Today I have made a Write to describe blog. I was Describing 
The Tui for Today. Tui's are my favorite birds so I had to describe it. I have described 
What the Tui looks like and what it does. What bird are you going to describe.

Monday 8 November 2021

Fact File for NZ Endangered birds


Hello Richie Here. I have made a Fact File for NZ Endangered birds blog
I hope you enjoy. My favorite bird are Tui's and I have figured out all the 
Answers in the blog. What is your favorite Native endangered bird. 
Blog ya later. Bye

My Bird Of The Year Slide🐦🐦🐦


Hello Richie Here. I have made a bird of the year blog I hope you enjoy.
Tui's are my favorite bird and they really inspire me. What is your favorite 
Native bird? Blog ya later. Bye

My Homonyms Slide

Hello Richie Here. Here is my Homonyms slide I hope you enjoy it. I figured out all of the Homonym
words and put those words in this blog. What Homonyms do you know? Blog ya later. 

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Richie's Homophone's Sentence.

Here is my homophones slide. 
How many homophones can you name? Bye

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Richie's Scrambled writing frame

 Write 6 sentences that detail who the story is about, where the story is set, what problem/conflict happens in the story, how they handle the problem, how the problem is solved and how the characters change.

Sentence 1


One night there was a girl running to the subway because the train was almost gonna leave.

Sentence 2


Then she ran so fast but failed to catch the train in the subway.

Sentence 3


So she had to sit and wait for the bus to come back so she sat on the bench alone.

Sentence 4


Then there was a rubix cube all scrambled up 

And then the girl decided to play with it.

Sentence 5


The girl tried so hard but the rubix cube scrambled up again and then the girl gave up. So then the rubix cube showed the girl how to do it and the girl was trying to figure it out in her head.

Sentence 6

(how characters have changed)

And then she finally figured it out but then the rubix cube stopped moving then the girl left the rubix cube there for someone else to deal with.

Now write a 100 word story that includes all the details above

One night there was a teenage girl running to the subway so she wouldn’t miss the train. Until she missed the train and she stomped her foot. And then she sat on the bench playing her game waiting for the train to come back. So then there was a rubix cube coming to the teenage girl playing her game. So it patted her elbow then she saw it and started to play with it. But then she scrambled it up again and started to give up and went back on her phone. The rubix cube felt sad and then started to pat her head phone. The teenager was surprised to see that the rubix cube was moving and the rubix cube went on her lap. Then the girl didn’t give up and started to play with the rubix cube again. And then the girl was trying to figure out how to solve it in her head. So then the girl completed the rubix cube but the rubix cube isn't moving anymore. And then the train came and she went in the train without the rubix cube. So on the train left and the rubix cube on the subway. So then there was another person running to the train but didn’t make it. And then the rubix cube came alive again and scrambled himself up again for the man to solve.  The End. 📕             

To find out how many words your story is Highlight your writing and press CTRL + SHIFT + C (or go to Tools and click word count)

Here is what I have made a scrambled slide. Its about a girl who was running to the subway but was to late and had to wait for the train to come back. What would you do if you were left on a subway?

Monday 13 September 2021

🌋(Richie) Past and Future Volcanoes🌋


Hello here is my Past and Future slide. Have you made a slide about 
this? Bye

Friday 10 September 2021

Richie's Amazing Archery

Here is what I made it's a slide show of Archery. Archery is my favorite
Game in the Olympics. Did you enjoy this slide? Bye

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Volcanoes past and future


This is a slide that I made it is about volcano eruptions and lava. 
What would you do if there was an eruption?

Monday 6 September 2021


Tongariro is gonna erupt so get everything you need and go.

What would you do if a volcano erupts?

Word of the day there they're and their.

Here is what I did it's a word of the day slide. There, they're and their.
What do you think about this slide?

Sunday 22 August 2021

(Richie) Auckland and beyond

Here is what i did so far a Auckland and beyond slide. 
What have you made so far

My ideal park

Here is what I did. I made my own ideal park. What do you think about it? 

Friday 6 August 2021

The present

 The Present Wk1/2

Video Link (watch before writing)


Write 6 sentences that detail who the story is about, where the story is set, what problem/conflict happens in the story, how they handle the problem, how the problem is solved and how the characters change.

Sentence 1


One afternoon a boy was sitting on his couch playing his game.

Sentence 2


And then his mom came and brought him a present. It was a puppy

Sentence 3


The boy was happy to see the puppy at first but then he saw him with only one  leg missing.

Sentence 4


And then the boy dropped the puppy and the puppy and continued his game. 

Sentence 5


But then the boy started to giggle at the puppies' actions. And then at the end the puppy wanted the boy to play with him. So the boy got ready and went outside with the puppy.

Sentence 6

(how characters have changed)

At first the boy didn’t want to play with the puppy and that reminded him of his broken leg. So at the end the boy was nice to the puppy

Here's what I wrote. Its about a boy who found a puppy in a box that his mom brought him. But then the boy didn't like it so he refused it. And then at the end the boy felt sorry for the puppy because that reminded him of his three legs. So at the end the boy decided to play with the puppy. Do you know this video? 

Now write a 100 word story that includes all the details above

In the afternoon🌞 there was a house and a boy 👦sitting on his couch🛋 playing his game🎮. And then his mom👩 came and gave him something. It was a present. The boy opened it and there was a puppy inside. The puppy was as cute as a cloud🐕. The boy was so happy to see the puppy at first but then ... The boy saw the puppy with only three legs. And then the boy dropped the puppy and continued his game. Then the puppy wanted to play with the boy and then the boy kicked the puppy and didn't even care about the puppy. Then the puppy saw a red ball and wanted to play with it🔴. And then the puppy hit himself on the bantry in the house. And then  the puppy got the ball and played with it. Then the boy saw the puppies actions and started to giggle a bit and then started to end up playing with the puppy. And at the end the boy got off his game and played with the puppy instead. The end

Friday 9 July 2021



We have been learning about Matariki. There are 9 stars we have learnt about.
How many stars do you know in Matarkik?

Thursday 8 July 2021

Richie's legend of Wairaka

Here is what I wrote it's about Wairaka and her people on a waka and then a big storm came with big tear drops and then Wairaka did something she should not have done but Wairaka saved everyone. Do you know about Wairaka? Bye

Legend of Wairaka Retell

Once there was a lady called Wairaka. she was gonna ride a boat with her people. Wairaka went in the boat with her people. The boat is called a waka. All the people went in the boat and went over the sea.

Suddenly a big storm came with big waves and lightning flashing down. All the grown ups were screaming and all the children were crying. The lightning was flashing down to the people in the boat they were crying shouting and panicking

But then Wairaka did something she shouldn't have done. She picked up an oar and shouted out kia  whakatane au i ahau. That means let me act like a man. So she picked up the oar and started paddling and her people did it with her.

And then Wairaka and her people started paddling to the shore. The rain was still  going but that didn’t stop Wairaka and her people from paddling. They were still paddling and paddling and paddling some more. until they made it to the shore. 

And then they made it to the shore. They were on a beautiful island and they decided to live there for almost 1000 years. And if you see a lady standing on a rock. That lady is Wairaka. She was watching people, watching people play and having fun.


The man left the waka looking for stuff and also led the women and the children behind on the waka. The men were on the island looking for some stuff on the island. The womens and the children didn’t know what to do. Then a big storm came out of nowhere and started flashing down to the waka. The women were screaming and the children were crying. The waves were crashing in the waka.

                                       The Big Storm                                                                                                                        The clouds were flashing down into the waka. The waves were 

bursting                                                                                                                                                          out of the water like a volcano. The clouds were as black as the night sky. The clouds were so dark that nobody could even see the water. The sky was as black as the night sky.             

Thursday 17 June 2021

The Fresh and Smooth Show Writing

This is the Fresh and Smooth show. We were krill we had to be mean and rude to Fresh. And we were dancing in the show there is a krill one and a krill two. And then we got chased by whales. The whales were chasing us and then we were running around. And at the end fresh saved us. Fresh was our hero.  

Tuesday 15 June 2021

The Troll

The troll skipped quietly down the street. He was gonna try not to hurt anyone. He had elephant ears and trees coming out of his back. His body was covered in grass. 


This is something i made last week. Its about a troll walking down a street. It looks so scary. The troll has trees coming out of his back and GIANT elephant ears. 

Friday 14 May 2021

My favorite writing

There is a old scary house that no one has been to. The house has red windows and doors inside it. The skin in the house is a dirty brown color. It has two scary rooftops. The background has lots of crooked trees and bats flying over it.

I made this 2 weeks ago it looks scary and creepy. What do you see in this photo?

Friday 16 April 2021

The coming storm writing prompt


I see a storm coming. There are loads of gray cloud’s gathered up in a group. There are high mountains that is hard to escape from the storm. If you see a storm would you go on a high mountain? Will you go outside on a day like this?

Thursday 15 April 2021

Richie and Tasman's scratch project

 At Owairaka school we are doing toolkit's this is my one I hope you like it it is about scratch a coding game that you can get for free here is the link scratch it is a tutorial for scratch.  Me and Tasman presentation our toolkit in Room 8. What is your toolkit? What do you do in your toolkit?

Friday 12 March 2021

Greetings in Te Reo Maori

Do you know how to speak Te Reo?

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Math facts about me.


We measured our self's With string and rulers. 

How long are you?do you know what a cubit is?

A fresh treat

 Room 7 has been learning about ice cream. This is what i have learned so far.

What is your favorite ice cream flavour?

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Koru art inspired by Raewyn Harris

Here is my Koru artwork.  We looked at the work of an artist called Raewyn Harris before we made our own work.  

Which country can you find plants that have this same Koru shape?

Friday 19 February 2021

Richies blog post

 Hi im Richie here is my blog. im swimming at the beach as you can see. what dose the beach remind you of? what feeling dose the beach remind you of?

Monday 8 February 2021


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.